Our School
RMPS is in the community of Beaverbrook in Kanata and sits on a large property next to a public park. The school is dedicated to providing a high quality education to every student in a positive environment supported by caring, dedicated and effective staff members. Our goal is for each student to develop their critical and analytical thinking skills, independence, and a strong work ethic while also encouraging collaboration. The use of technology is integral to student learning. Students acquire the knowledge, skills and values they require to adapt to a changing world. Architecturally original and unique, the school’s classes and computer lab encircle a spacious round library with a giant dome skylight over a central 7 meter schefflera tree. This physical environment promotes collaboration between educators and helps to build a strong feeling of community amongst its students.
Our Students
Roland Michener PS has an enrolment of 148 students, with children coming from 25 different countries of origin.
When the students complete Grade 6 at Roland Michener PS, they go to either Earl of March SS or Jack Donohue PS. When the students complete Grade 3, they have the option to attend Middle French Immersion at W. Erskine Johnston PS.
To give you a sense of the RMPS experience, here are some comments from our students/parents:
“At Roland Michener, the staff is helpful and interested in the students who attend the school. They help children with learning or behaviour challenges to learn and interact with one another in positive ways.”
"A great thing about our school is the education. We are taught excellent strategies and tricks to solving problems, writing paragraphs, and working in groups.”
“I think Roland Michener is a great place for kids to learn. If your child is in Roland Michener, he or she will have a world filled with fun and great opportunities.”
“We love Roland Michener. Everyone is so warm and welcoming. They are like family to us."
Our Staff
Roland Michener PS has 12 teachers on staff, including 1 Special Education teacher and 1 Core French teacher. The administrative team consists of a principal, an office administrator and a .5 office assistant. The support team includes 1.5 educational assistants and a 0.4 library technician. Staff provide support to students in all organized activities and charitable events. Within the community, our staff is known for their caring, dedicated ways.
Our Community
The attendance area includes part of Beaverbrook, part of Kanata Lakes and one small part of Morgan's Grant. The community includes single family dwellings, townhomes and subsidized housing. RMPS parents are comprised of a rich persity of people, spoken languages and countries of origin. Community groups use the school for public recreation programs, e.g. Beavers & Brownies and Fitness classes. We welcome volunteers in our school. Parents assist in classrooms, participate in fundraising activities, organize hot lunches and accompany classes on field trips. The Roland Michener School Council serves as an advisory body to the school. It is comprised of a dedicated volunteer group of parents/guardians, community representatives and teaching and non-teaching staff who are committed to strengthening educational opportunities and partnerships with the community.
Mission Statement
“ROAR to Success!”
Roland Michener Public School's mission is to have dedicated, effective staff members work cooperatively with students, parents and the community in a safe and positive environment, promoting excellence in education and the development of character education, thereby preparing students to become independent learners and responsible citizens.
Facilities and Resources
RMPS houses:
- A fully-automated library
- Computers in every teaching area
- A computer lab and scanner
- A unique “round” gym
- A large stage used for drama as well as performances and assemblies
- Soccer fields, baseball diamonds, basketball court
- Play structures
- Benches and newly-planted treed areas
- iPads in every classroom
- Projectors in every classroom to support instruction
- Dozens of Chromebooks to support learning and program delivery
Programs and Services
Academic Programs
Roland Michener offers a 1/2 French, 1/2 English program for Junior/Senior Kindergarten students. Grades 1 to 6 are an English program. Children in Grades 1 to 6 participate in a daily 40-minute Core French program.
Classroom Organization
Roland Michener PS is a Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6 English program community school.
Special Education and ESL Programs
Roland Michener uses a team approach to provide extra support for students. Members of the School Support Team include the Learning Support Teacher, Learning Resource Teacher and ESL teacher; both work within classrooms and with small groups of students on a daily basis. A Psychologist, Social Worker, Learning Support Consultant, Multicultural Liaison Officer and a Speech and Language pathologist provide regular support to the school. Gifted programming is delivered using an integrated model.
Clubs and Activities
Throughout the year, students may participate in running club, cross-country, track and field, soccer, volleyball, basketball, bordenball, skating, ski days, spirit days, drama presentations, assemblies, milk and pizza programs, Valentine Raffle Cake Day, a wide variety of clubs and a range of student leadership initiatives. Students will be involved as lunch monitors for the younger children, Kindergarten monitors, learning buddies, library helpers, milk monitors and the Tech Team. Children are all placed on a team where the younger children form strong bonds with their older team members, and where the older children learn leadership skills.
Organized activities at the school focus on the students' awareness of global and local events. RMPS has participate in Jump Robe for Heart, Education Foundation, and the United Way. Students also participate in food drives for the local food cupboard and have initiated a gift card campaign in order to raise money for the Kanata Food Bank.
Safe Schools Initiatives
RMPS' Code of Behaviour adheres to OCDSB Policies and Procedures and the system-wide initiative of Community of Character and was developed with the support of the parent community. These expectations are outlined in the students' agendas. The Code of Behaviour describes appropriate expected conduct and outlines steps taken using a progressive discipline and a restorative practices approach. Staff and parents at RMPS are striving for excellence for our students, actively promoting and endorsing our pillare and character epitomized by our motto R.O.A.R.: Respect, Openness, Attitude, and Responsibility.
Other Safe Schools Initiatives
At RMPS, we are dedicated to implementing and embedding the OCDSB's Community of Character Values in our daily practice. We offer leadership and service learning opportunities to our students on a daily basis. We also have a Safe Schools team who work with administration, staff, students and parents to promote pro social behaviours and citizenship. This year, our School Wellbeing Plan focuses on developing a growth mindset in our students. We are so focusing on restorative practices and learning circles to promote listening, respect and a community feeling within classrooms. This broadened with cross-age activities within the school.